Completed Projects

Here are the projects I’ve done in the past, click the button to see more details!

Slip Detection and Control of

Wheel Robots on Surface with Minor Obstacles

Ducted Fan

Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot Prototype

Robomaster 2023

Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Standard Robot

Robomaster 2022

Mecanum Standard Robot

Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot Prototype

Mecanum Wheel Car Prototype

Ongoing Projects

These are the projects that I’m currently working on!

Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot

I am investigating the dynamics and control of this robot. This robot has a novel mechanism utilizing two swerve modules to achieve theoretically omni-directional movements such as moving while spinning. My current research indicates that it is an underactuated state-dependent nonlinear system.

Embedded IMU PCB Design for
Digit Bipedel Robot

I am designing a small circuit board that can attach easily to the foot of the Digit Robot and the Dynamic Rigid Surface. Which allows instantaneous measurement of accelerations and angular rates and real-time transmission and visualization of measurements. This will be helpful for Zijian He, a PhD student in the TRACE Lab, in his research.

Quadcopter Flight Control

I am writing the flight control code for a quadcopter that I built. This quadcopter will serve as a test bed for more advanced control algorithms such as LQR and MPC. I am hoping I can use this quadcopter I built to shoot some pretty amazing pictures one day.